unknown issues of upsc/mpsc

Sunday, September 26, 2010

upsc/mpsc carrier matra day first--' Afganisthan factor' Terrorist role of pakistan

A Bird's Eye View of the Pakistani Terrorist Machinery

Details On The Extensive Pakistani Terrorist Network Directed At Kashmir

**The red dots show the location of some of the well-documented terrorist camps operating in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir
**The sole red dot in Afghanistan depicts the location of terrorist camps housing Pakistani trainees targeted by US missiles
Some Vital Statistics and Facts on the Pakistani Terrorist Machinery Aimed at Kashmir
  • Number of Terrorist Camps in Pakistan: 37
  • Number of Terrorist Camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir: 49
  • Number of Pakistani-run Terrorist Camps in Afghanistan: 22
  • Total Number of Hardcore Terrorists Operating in Jammu and Kashmir: 2300
  • Total Number of Foreign Mercenaries Operating in Jammu and Kashmir: 900
  • Number of Pakistani terrorists killed by Indian security forces: 291
  • Number of Pakistani terrorists in Indian jails: 125
  • Number of Indian civilians killed by Pakistani terrorists: over 29,000
  • Number of firearms recovered from Pakistan-trained terrorists in India: 47,000
  • Amount of explosives recovered from Pakistan-trained terrorists in India: 60 tons (30,000 kg)
  • Number of explosions carried out by Pakistan-trained terrorists in India: 4,730
  • Nationalities of Foreign Mercenaries Operating in Jammu and Kashmir:
  • Pakistan, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, Afghanistan,
  • Egypt, Sudan, Yemen,
  • Bahrain, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq
  • Deadliest Pakistani Terrorist Groups Active in Jammu and Kashmir:
    • Harkat-ul-Ansar (recently renamed Harkat-ul-Mujaheedin)
      • Headquarters: Muzaffarabad (Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir)
    • Lashkar-e-Toiba
      • Headquarters: Muridke (Pakistan)
    • Hizbul Mujahideen
  • Peak time of annual infiltration of terrorists into India:
    • Summer months, when the snows have melted, under cover of Pakistani Army firing (Washington Post, Oct. 15, 1998).
  • Number of people in Jammu and Kashmir killed in violence waged by Pakistan-supported terrorists over the last decade: over 20,000.
  • Ethnic Cleansing in Kashmir: Nearly 300,000 Kashmiri Pandits (original Hindu inhabitants of Kashmir valley) driven out of their ancestral homeland by Pakistan-supported terrorists.
  • Pakistan's response to charges of terrorism support: "It only provides diplomatic and moral support to the terrorists". To see through this outright lie, read about the "credible reports of official Pakistani support to Kashmiri terrorist groups..." in the US State Department 1997 report on global terrorism.
  • The US Tomahawk missiles killed Pakistani terrorists belonging to Harkat-ul-Ansar in the Khost camps in Afghanistan this year. These terrorists were training to fight in Kashmir.
  • The Harkat-ul-Ansar and the Lashkar-e-Toiba threatened US citizens recently in open news conferences in major cities in Pakistan. The Pakistani government makes no attempt to shut down any of these groups.
  • Most recent recruits to Pakistani terrorist camps: Kashmiri Muslim children as young as 12 years old, coerced into a dead-end career by Pakistani terrorist groups(CNN Online, Oct. 8, 1998).
  • Why is the Pakistani economy in shambles? 70% of its budget goes to the military plus its debt payments, much of the military spending being on sustaining the Kashmiri terror (NY Times, Aug. 30, 1998, The Tribune, Oct. 10, 1998).

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